Cases of athletes
Tiger Woods (Golf)
Rising above the Rough: Tiger Woods' Journey Through Mental Health Challenges
Tiger Woods was regarded as one of the greatest golfers and has won numerous championships and broken numerous records over the course of his career. Tiger Woods has struggled with various mental health issues throughout his career, including anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. There have been multiple events during his professional career in which he must face media scrutiny and personal turmoil. Tiger Woods subsequently underwent therapy and has spoken openly about his struggles with mental health and addiction. He has been an advocate for mindfulness meditation and has credited it with helping him to stay focused and calm during high-pressure situations.

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Athletes Healing Center
We aim to create a culture of openness
and acceptance around mental health in sports.
Toronto, ON,Canada
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Zoom meeting (permanent): Monday 16:00 -17:00 And book an appointment through email for any other time
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