Website History Announcement

Date: 2023-10-23, Readers:455
April 2023, our club is created. It used a free established website: July 2023, with need of club activities, we changed it to a more convenient URL and established website there:
Following the suggestions from my teacher and mentor suggestion , we have officially website name and relocated the information to the current website. 
After the website relocation transition period, the above pages will gradually be closed.

Please just take a moment here to answer these questions.
Feel free to contact our staff if you have any questions.
Athletes Healing Center
We aim to create a culture of openness
and acceptance around mental health in sports.
Toronto, ON,Canada
Opening hours:
Zoom meeting (permanent): Monday 16:00 -17:00 And book an appointment through email for any other time
Gmail President:
Charity Manager:
CopyRight 2023 All Right Athletes Healing Center, Number of website visitors: 8480